Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Cyber Crime And Cyber Criminal Activity - 1839 Words

Have you ever wondered how computers systems get hacked? Have you ever considered the criminals motives for engaging in such type of criminal activity? While computers and the Internet have undoubtedly brought great advantages to society. Computers have also paved new ways for criminals to engage in dangerous activities that are unprecedented in scope and could potentially cause catastrophic consequences for society. Cyber criminal activity occurs constantly, however, many people are unaware of the true meaning of cyber crime and their risks associated with becoming a victim of such crime. According to an article released by the Law school of the University of Pennsylvania â€Å"The term cybercrime refers to the use of a computer to facilitate or carry out a criminal offense† (Katyal 12). These criminal offenses can include, but are not limited to: telemarketing, identity theft, online money laundering, cyber terrorism, and cyber extortions. In an era were society at large rel ies greatly on computers and the Internet, it is crucial to understand the methods that cyber criminal’s use and the measures that one must take to prevent becoming a victim of cybercrime. When people think of cyber criminals also known as hackers many people tend to imagine a person dressed in black, with pale skin, bad mannerism, over weight, and somewhat anxious. People tend to think of hackers in this manner, because that is how they are portrayed in movies and T.V. However, these stereotypical imagesShow MoreRelatedThe Achievement And Success Of Cyber Crimes1124 Words   |  5 PagesSuccess in Cybercrime Cyber crimes refer to crimes committed against computers, computer networks of the information stored in computers (Bronk, 2008). In the past, the main problem that law enforcement officers have faced with regard to cyber crimes has had to do with the jurisdiction. 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Whether a person is covering their face with a ski mask as they physically rob a bank or someone infiltrates a hospital’s network to steal personal information for ransom, every criminal finds comfort in the warped sense that their identity will most likely be unknown, which will allow them to evade law enforcement. Due to technological advancements, criminals are more likely to remain anonymous after committing a criminal act when they engage in cyber crime. As aRead MoreThe Cybersecurity Act ( Cybersecurity )1708 Words   |  7 Pagesimportant information leaked to either cyber-criminals, terrorists or hackers then multiple people or America itself may be in trouble. Many businesses, trade groups, government officials, and civil liberty groups will be protected by the Cybersecurity Act, also it gives people, the government, and money more privacy then they have already. The overall goal of CISA (Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act) is to improve information sharing in the hopes of preventing cyber-attacks against both the private

Monday, December 16, 2019

Should We Abolish Pennies Free Essays

What would it be like without pennies? Without them we can’t use them for changes. Life would be different without pennies. Everything will have to change if we take out pennies in the U. We will write a custom essay sample on Should We Abolish Pennies? or any similar topic only for you Order Now S. If we don’t have pennies, then everything will be rounded off to the nearest five or ten cents. All the products with extra changes in the sale will have to change the amount of its costs to a point where no penny is needed. That’s more work for the workers to do, making all the costs of the items in the store into an amount where pennies aren’t needed. What would happen to the 99 cents store? If the pennies were to be gone, it won’t have the 99 cents store anymore. Sure they can change the cost of items to a dollar, but that is one cent more than the customers used to pay. That may not sound like a lot of money, but think about it, if you buy one hundred items for one hundred dollars, you could’ve save one dollar and one dollar can save a person’s life from starvation. And if they change it to 95 cents, they will lose profit. The sign of the store will have to be changed to whatever cost they decided to change the items to, but they can’t change the sign to â€Å"$1 Store† because there are already a store called that. And if they do change the sign, that means that they have to use their own money to get the new sign, which also means they’ll have less money to use for other necessary things for the store. The sources say that the penny is the lowest denomination coin, but if it were to be gone, the nickel would be the lowest denomination coin. Would it end up like the pennies and would be abolish in the future years? Even if the pennies were to be completely gone, the nickels will have the same complaints that the pennies were having and the complaints of the lowest denomination coin will go on and on until there is no coins left. In taking the pennies off, memories of Abraham Lincoln will be gone. All the things Lincoln did for the U. S. will fade away. We will no longer see him in coins, the 16th president will be less recognized without having a penny as his memory source. Abraham Lincoln will be forever remember with the pennies! This is how it would be like without pennies. Everything will be rounded off up or down. Would you want that to happen? Would you want Abraham Lincoln’s memories to fade away? Every penny counts, just as â€Å"every vote counts†. We must save the pennies! How to cite Should We Abolish Pennies?, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Detailing About the Security Issue Related †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Detailing About The Security Issue Related? Answer: Introduction Before detailing about the security issue related to IoT, it is very crucial to understand what does it mean. IoT or Internet of Things is basically a system which helps to connect various devices to each other such as a television, washing machine, animals etc. These objects are provided with exclusive identifiers and have the capability to transport information over a network without the need of any interaction between two humans or the human and computer. In the Internet of Things, things may comprise of anything between a heart monitor implant in case of an individual, a biochip transponder in case of a farm animal to a car which has built in sensors to make the driver aware if the pressure of tyre is low. An IoT can help the various entities lessen the expenditure via ad hoc procedural efficiencies. IoT has a whole array of benefits to offer, due to which even the government is supporting energy companies to convert the present meters into smart ones (Turner 2016). Here all the data and information will become automated thus enabling to utilise less energy. Background However, with the advent of internet, there is always a question as to whether it is safe or not. Security is one of the biggest challenges posed by IoT. These systems and equipments connected to IoT have a whole lot of personal data stored within them such as the smart meters would know the house number of the meter owners and what electronics are being used within that house and these are further shared with other devices and held in databases by companies. It has said that many efforts are not being put to security fences into an IoT at the initial stages and the same can be proved due to various equipments which have been attacked by the hackers from the connected baby monitors to the traffic signals as well. Although IoT is safe since not many use it even now, yet the same have their own lapses which have to be looked upon. The interconnection of devices and objects via IoT has led to the emergence of biggest risk associated i.e. infection of one equipment can lead to infection of all those which are connected with that equipment. This is what has endangered the most vital infrastructures which otherwise would be protected. Past instances have made it clear that IoT is also subject to its own varsity which has led to the security lapses (Qiang et.al. 2013). The same is due to the vulnerability in the existing interaction system and software which are linked to the main nodal infrastructural point such as the personal laptops and such systems which are utilised for the official purpose and surveillance cameras have been targeted to lead to illegitimate entrance via the external medium. The report connotes the various security issues related to IoT and what all protection mechanisms are presently being used for defending against the said issues. Security Challenges Posed By Iot IoT has posed several challenges with regards the security related stances since inception. However, earlier since the number of users were small, hence the same was not very insecure, but with the increasing number of users, the hackers have started targeting the IoT connected devices as well. Thus it poses several challenges to the security of those devices which are all interconnected to each other. While budding any IoT application protection and trying frameworks play an imperative role. The most basic security hiccup in an IoT environment is that it boosts the number of equipments behind ones networks firewall (Yousuf et al.2015) . The concern of the people and the organizations has multiplied from only personal systems and smart phones to protecting devices such as cars, home appliances, wearable and such other devices which support IoT (Bekara, 2014). This has increased the options of the devices to be hacked. It is quite common nowadays to hear that the IoT attackers have at tacked and thus controlled the remotely control cars and thus ensure that the car runs as per their will. These attackers do not stop here, they may even end up intruding into the baby monitors or the thermostat so as to discover personal data of a person. Another security issue with regards IoT or the devices connected via IoT is that the tech companies have although started to discover newer devices but they lack in updating these devices enough or not at all. Thus it means that the IoT device which was once purchased can gradually become unsafe due to absence of regular updates (Eastwood. 2017). The corporations will be hit by a million of data from all sides of the IoT i.e. across all sensors which are connected. However the organisations are quite unsure about the protection of the said data. Such as the electricity boards being able to gather data automatically due to installation of smart meters. But these meters can be hacked to under-report the usage of energy. Presently one can easily buy an anti-virus and download it in their personal computers but unfortunately the said system is absent in an IoT device. Thus lack of built in security into these IoT connected devices and equipments fail to create trust and integrity of information stored in them. The main aim behind an IoT system is to ensure that the life of people becomes easy thus ensuring that efficiency and output enhances of the staff of any entity. Such a huge amount of information gathered will help in ensuring making better decisions. However unfortunately the said system will have a long lasting implication on the personal safety expectations. If the gathered facts and figured gets hacked then it will definitely challenge the trust people have imposed on IoT. The attackers are expected to hack the main systems rather than just the other connected devices (Suchitra Vandana 2016). However installing a string security track towards the end of an equipment is important, but if understood from a hackers view point, they would prefer not to impress upon any particular device when they know that hacking the entire application that controls these devices will give them access to numerous devices connected at one go (Samani, 2014). Thus it can be rightly said omnipresent co nnectivity will lead to multiplying IoT threats and security challenges. Lastly, the challenge posed by IoT is that its hack can lead to financial losses as well as harm to the physical well being as well. The hacking of an IoT can even lead to destroying a persons health also as was witnessed in August 2016, when the cyber security organization MedSec found out IoT weaknesses in the pacemakers which was manufactured by St. Ju-de Medical Research from Muddy Waters then accused St. Jude to investors leading to probable regulatory actions. Most of the IoT devices do not have a user interface because of which they are unable to get notification about any updates available (Das Sharma, 2016). However, looking towards the various challenges posed by an IoT, several protection mechanisms are being installed. Protection Mechanism It is very crucial to ensure that IoT is secured since its usage is increasing with every passing day. If the same is not taken up on priority then the various opportunities that it has to offer to the business houses will be undercut. When the product managers work in conjunction to the security specialists while planning a roadmap for the development of a product, for them considering security is a key concern while designing the product plan, its features and the way it would function. Such a collaboration of the two will ensure that the business opportunities and the security anxieties are well balanced and any kind of such weaknesses can be discovered at the start of the product lifecycle (Madukan Date, 2016). Another protection mechanism that can be implemented is the risk management mechanism, although the said procedure is an age old one, yet the business houses are required to find out the hiccups where their entities would be exposed to by analysing the various risk related situations and the ultimate implication of such attacks on the entity as well as the final users (Press, 2017). Authentication is also a very successful mechanism to protect IoT connected devices. Mutual authentication is a must between the various devices so that it can be proven that the same is worth to be trusted. Even though the internet fails to give dependable endpoint verification yet there are various other ways available. One such alternative solution is cryptography also although it is also subject to some vulnerabilities (Hanna, 2015). Lastly, the compilation, combining, observing and normalising information from the various devices connected to IoT is done and conducting such reporting strategies which is actionable by nature so that the matter can be brought under control when it falls outside the domains of the set policies (Roman et.al. 2011). IoT related analytics would be required in future to find out attacks specific to IoT and such attacks that cannot be found out by the traditional and age old security alarms such as firewalls. The said attack identifier are complicated artificial intelligence machines, big data techniques and machine learning (Pollard, 2016). Conclusion Thus while summarising the said stance of IoT and its related security hacks and ways and means of protecting these hacks, it can still be construed that IoT is reliable to some extent. Various attempts are being made to ensure that the same is safe and secure from any kind of susceptibility. Thus to ensure the same various mergers and such collaborations have taken place which would help to provide a more secure environment to IoT. One of the most prominent example is that of Vodafone who are the founders of the Internet of Things Security Foundation who are entrusted with the opportunity of verifying the devices which are interlinked to the internet for any kind of defaults weaknesses. They would further give a hand towards those who provide technology safety, those who adapt to the systems and the ultimate users. Researches are being conducted on a continuous basis which help to mingle the extent of safety of IoT once the internet and the concerned IoT device is connected to each other. The fact that IoT is a very vital part of the life of many cannot be denied or ignored. Thus due to the same, the safety issues should be addressed on an immediate basis which is possible only if the companies across the borders come along and work in cohesion towards emergence of a safer IoT environment. References: Bekara,C. (2014). Security Issues and Challenges for the IoT based Smart Grid. Procedia Computer Science. 34. 532-537. Retrieved from https://ac.els-cdn.com/S1877050914009193/1-s2.0-S1877050914009193-main.pdf?_tid=aa3caddc-334a-11e7-a2a4-00000aacb361acdnat=1494178323_79fdd209eb4ed5f44d5af91545bb4453 Das,D. Sharma,B. (2016). General Survey on Security Issues on Internet of Things. International Journal of Computer Applications. 139(2). 23-29 Eastwood,G. 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